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My Favorite College Search Things

It’s easy to hard to find information on colleges, its hard to sort out what’s good info from what’s bad. I am constantly sending emails to people about tools to support college search and learning about what tools are good and which aren’t. So I’m going to try to compile my favorite things in this…

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Should You Take the SAT/ACT or Not?

For parents of 10th, 11th and 12th graders, the question of testing looms large (especially this fall as the test optional movement has really taken hold), so let me try to help you out and give you the lowdown to help you make decisions. I’m not going to do a detailed discussion of testing policy,…

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Access Organizations: Providing Social Capital

As anyone who works with low income, first generation or underrepresented students could tell you, the vast majority of these students lack not only the funds to compete with the 1% but also the “social capital” that greases the wheels of higher education access. Networks of chatty parents sharing new discoveries about demonstrated interest, hooks, gap years,…

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The NY Times Doesn’t Cover College

What’s Kanye wearing? What’s El*n driving? What’s Besos buying? If you believe the answers to these questions are relevant to your life than the New York Times might be the best paper for you to learn about the college process. If you pattern your life choices after what a billionaire or celebrity does, if you…

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Cutting Room: The Misguided War on Test Optional

Ever since I was first interviewed for a news story and especially when I was interviewed for the documentaries I was in (both the Test and The Art of Thinking and Netflix’s Operation Varsity Blues). I’ve been fascinated by what’s left out. I asked both producers of the documentaries if they would release the uncut…

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Things worth reading

A couple things of note that are worth paying attention to. Jon Boeckenstedt published an analysis of discount rates at colleges and its well worth reading and playing with. If you’re unfamiliar with the term discount rate, it captures aid that isn’t new money (merit aid that is essentially discounting, grants that are discounts, basically…

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